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About Us

City in a Swamp is a D.C.-based entertainment company that produces live shows, musicals, and satirical videos. In the days leading up to the 2020 elections, the company produced the well-received political satire/musical comedy “Apocalypse Soon.” In past years, CIAS has presented musical revues honoring female composers, a Valentine’s Day production showcasing funny songs and sketches about love, a New Year’s show featuring songs from Broadway shows and movies of the 1940s, and several music videos. The company released a studio album of songs by women lyricists and composers of Broadway, Hollywood, and jazz featuring vocalist Lena Seikaly and guitarist Steve Herberman.

 In 2021, CIAS began doing business as Capitol Comedy. “Biden My Time” premiered at the Arts Club of Washington on October 9 and 11, 2021, then toured briefly. Capitol Comedy’s most recent production, "Two Cheers For Democracy”, toured nationally in 2022 and 2023 in cities across America to critical acclaim.

Excerpts from past productions may be seen and heard on this website and on City in a Swamp’s YouTube channel. Join our mailing list and check back here for announcements about upcoming shows and videos!

Stephen Leigh Morris,
LA Weekly

...amusing political sketches that cut through the bleakness with sarcasm and parody deriving from Roman comedy via the British music hall, Jon Stewart, and Saturday Night Live

Hollywood Progressive

…the sharpest current events lyrics since Tom Lehrer…the jokes are likely to stick in the throats of Democrats, Republicans and independents alike.

Denna Bourroughs,

Republicans will chuckle, and Democrats will love it.

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City in a Swamp is a Washington D.C.-based political satire theater company. Musical comedy mixed with beltway humor.

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